- Company: Silver Star Construction
- Industry: General Building
- Location: OKC, Oklahoma
- Project Website
New office building for Boeing that will bring at least 500 jobs to OKC.
What impact does this project have on America?
Creating jobs in the state of Oklahoma, and helping to build the profile of Oklahoma as a whole.
What interesting obstacles or unusual circumstances did you overcome to complete the project?
Over 65 days of rain have occurred on the project without dealying the scheduled completion date at this point. Buried debris was also discovered in the pad site area that was contaminated, and removed without any delay.
What dangers and risks did you encounter, and describe any extraordinary methods used to keep workers safe?
Major risks on this project is the completion schedule of less than a year with no additional days being given by the owner.
How did you leverage new technologies to work faster and reduce waste?
We have implemented GPS control on the project and used it to improve efficency on our project.