Based In: Montverde, FL
Company Description:
EWKS (Estimating Workflow Solutions) is dedicated to helping companies improve their estimating skills and software. Whether by HeavyBid training, codebook customization or a consultation, EWKS is ready to step in and be of assistance.Creating custom HeavyBid codebooks are our primary directive. We put a lot of effort into customizing each codebook to the specific companies needs and estimating goals. Whatever your department’s level of estimating knowledge, EWKS is prepared and willing to help
Company History:
Founded by Arthur Nix in 2015, EWKS was given the mission of fulfilling the vast need for more hands on help in the field of estimating. A new company by name, EWKS is backed by over twenty years of experience working with HeavyBid and working with numerous companies around the world. EWKS is devoted to helping estimators take full advantage of the great features of HCSS’s HeavyBid and ultimately create better and more accurate estimates.
Number of Employees: